Independent Director

Mr. Dhruv Mehta

Mr. Dhruv Mehta is a Chartered Accountant by qualification, he is Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and The Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India.

He has rich experience of more than 2 decades in Corporate Finance, Investment banking, Wealth Management, in the area of Products & in-depth knowledge on a range of financial products including bonds, equities, mutual funds, private equity funds, real estate funds & structured products. He has Strong relationships with Fund Managers, CEO’s and Economists across various AMC’s and Banks.


He is Founder Chairman of Foundation of Independent Financial Advisors (FIFA), since its inception on 15th February 2012. Currently he is an Independent Director of the Company, and he holds Directorship/designated partnership in following Companies/LLPs:

1. Shriram Asset Management Company Limited
3. Foundation of Independent Financial Advisors
5. Malabar Capital Private Limited
7. Sapient Wealth Advisors and Brokers Private Limited
9. RDVM Partners LLP

2. Shriram Wealth Limited
4. Malabar Capital Advisors Private Limited
6. Institution For Mutual Fund Intermediaries
8. Karuv Management Services LLP