Investors Relation
Diamines is a public listed company. The company was incorporated on 12th May, 1976.
The Board of Directors comprise of :
The Company has a paid up equity share capital of Rs.97.8 million with an Investor base of approx 16,000 shareholders. The paid up value of each share is Rs.10. The equity shares are listed on “BSE Limited & National Stock Exchange of India Limited.”
General Share Holding Information:
a)Annual General Meeting :
The 48th Annual General Meeting of the Company was held on August 01, 2024 at the Registered office of the Company situated at Plot no. 13, PCC Area, P.O. Petrochemicals, Vadodara -391 350 at 11.00 AM.
Listing of shares :
The Company’s securities are listed at ‘The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.’, Mumbai. The shares are traded in dematerialised form w.e.f 28-5-2001.
The Company’s securities are listed on on Main Board of ‘National Stock Exchange of India Limited’ (NSE)
w.e.f. 25-09-2023
Stock code :
BSE 500120
Registrar and Share Transfer Agent :
The Company has appointed M/s Link Intime India Private Limited as Registrar and Share Transfer Agent for entire share related work (both physical and electronic) of the Company from October 01, 2019.
“Geetakunj” 1, Bhakti Nagar Society,
Behind ABS Tower, Old Padra Road,
Vadodara – 390 015
Phone : 0265 – 3566768
Email :
Following facility has been provided by the Company’s Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, Link Intime India Private Limited:
- for availing process enabled by the Company for the purpose of receiving Notice of AGM (including remote e-voting instructions) and Company’s Annual Report electronically, can register / update their email address and Mobile No. by clicking on the link
- for receiving the dividend electronically register / update their bank account details by clicking on the link
- A Resident individual shareholder with PAN and who is not liable to pay income tax can submit a yearly declaration in Form No. 15G/15H, to avail the benefit of non-deduction of tax at source by clicking on the link
- Non-resident shareholders can avail beneficial rates under tax treaty between India and their country of residence, subject to providing necessary documents i.e. No Permanent Establishment and Beneficial Ownership Declaration, Tax Residency Certificate, Form 10F, any other document which may be required to avail the tax treaty benefits by clicking on the link
- Newspaper Notice for Shareholders details Updation
c) Bonus Issue
The Company has allotted Bonus shares in the proportion of One (1) new equity bonus share of Rs. 10/- each for every Two(2) existing equity share of Rs. 10/- each fully paid up by capitalization of reserves, on 21st July,2011. The bonus shares have been given permission of trading w.e.f. 26.07.2011. .For more details click here
d) The Company has not entered into any agreement with the Media Companies and / or their Associates.Code of Conduct
The Company, during the year, has not entered into any transactions of material nature with the Directors that may have any potential conflict with the interest of the Company . No penalties, restrictions have been imposed on the Company by the Stock Exchanges or SEBI on any matter related to capital market during the last three years.
Board Meetings:
The Board meets at least once in a quarter i.e. at least four times in a year, focusing on strategy formulation, policy and control, delegation of powers and dealing with specific issues with a view to maximizing the Company’s net worth and value to the shareholders. The Board considers and reviews the performance of the company, from time to time, and has access to all information on the Company.
Board Committees:
To enable better and more focussed attention on the affairs of the Company, the Board delegates particular matters to the committee of the Board set for the purpose.
Audit Committee:
In conformity with the Stock Exchanges listing requirements, the Company has constituted the Audit Committee. The terms of reference to the Audit Committee include the approving and implementing of audit procedures, reviewing financial statements, internal audit/internal control systems and procedures and ensuring timely compliance with the statutory guidelines. Meetings of the Audit Committee are scheduled well in advance. The Committee reviews the reports of statutory auditors and internal auditors and considers their findings, suggestion etc. and undertake the necessary actions thereon.
Shareholders’ / Investor Grievances Committee:
Stakeholders relationship Committee considers and approves transfer and transmission of shares, issue of duplicate share certificates and all shares related issues. The Committee specifically attends the Shareholders’ and Investors’ complaints and ensure prompt redressal of their grievances. In its continued efforts to provide better investor services, the Company has signed tripartite agreement with both the Depositories namely National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. (CDSL) to establish electronic connectivity to provide demat services to the Company.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee:
The terms of reference of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee include review and recommendation to the board of directors of the remuneration paid to the directors.
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee:
The Committee has been constituted keeping in mind the Company’s business ethics and to comply with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014.The Committee shall hold meeting as and when required, to discuss various issues on implementation of the CSR Policy of the Company.
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee:
The Committee has been constituted keeping in mind the Company’s business ethics and to comply with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014.The Committee shall hold meeting as and when required, to discuss various issues on implementation of the CSR Policy of the Company.
CSR Activity for FY 2020-21
CSR Details for FY 2021-22
CSR Details for FY 2022-23
CSR Details for FY 2023-24
Composition Committee:
Please CLICK HERE to refer Composition Committe.
Resignation letter of Mr. Dhruv Kaji CLICK HERE to refer.
Resignation letter of Mr. Shreyas Mehta CLICK HERE to refer.
Resignation letter of Mr. Girish R Satakar CLICK HERE to refer.
Draft Appointment letter of Independent Director :CLICK HERE to refer.
Draft Set of Articles of Associations :CLICK HERE to refer.
We are pleased to inform you that the Company has entered into an agreement with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) to facilitate your holding and trading of the Company’s equity shares in electronic form, in the Depository System.
In order to hold and trade your shares in the electronic form in the Depository System, you need to open an account with a Depository Participant (DP) (which is similar to opening a savings bank account) with any bank and dematerialise your shares. Dematerialisation is a process by which an investor’s shareholding is converted into electronic form instead of holding them in physical share certificates.
In order to dematerialise your shares, you are required to submit a dematerialisation request along with the share certificates to a Depository Participant (DP) with whom you have opened an account, The DP in turn will send your share certificates to us for dematerialisation. Thereafter you will receive confirmation from the DP that the shares have been dematerialised and held in electronic form.
Once shares are dematerialised, the Depository System provides for trading in dematerialised shares i.e. an investor can purchase and sell dematerialised shares.
The Depository System also provides for rematerialisation of shares i.e. conversion of electronic holding of shares into physical form. To rematerialise your shares, you are required to submit a rematerialisation request to your DP who in turn will send your request to us. We will thereafter send you share certificate(s) in physical form.
The DP levies certain charges, for the services rendered to the investor such as transaction processing charges, custody charges, etc.
Some of the benefits to the investors from the Depository System are :
- Immediate effect to trading in securities i.e. no waiting period for delivery.
- No possibility of fake certificates or loss in transit of certificates.
- No delay in transfer.
- No stamp duty on securities sent for registration to companies
The securities of the Company are not compulsorily to be traded in dematerialised term only. The share holders are free to hold the shares in physical form.
Annual Reports
- 2010-2011
- 2011-2012
- 2012-2013
- 2013-2014
- 2014-2015
- 2014-2015 – Financials of Subsidiary Company
- 2015-2016
- 2015-2016 – Financials of Subsidiary Company
- 2016-2017
- 2017-2018
- 2018-2019
- 2019-2020
- 2020-2021 – Annual Return (MGT-7)
- 2020-2021 – Annual Report
- 2020-2021 – Financial of Subsidiary (DFCL)
- 2021-2022 – Draft Annual Return (MGT-7)
- 2021-2022 – ESOP Disclosure by BOD
- 2021-2022 – Annual Report DACL Final
- 2021-2022 – Financial Of Subsidiary (DFCL)
- BSE – Sec Compliance Report 24A 2021-22
- BSE – Annual Compliance Certificate 24A 2019-20
- BSE – Reg 24A 2020-21
- Final Annual Compliance Report 2018-19
- 2022-2023 Draft Annual Return (MGT-7)
- 2022-2023 – DACL Annual Report
- 2022-2023 -ESOP Disclosure by BOD
- 2022-2023 Financials of Subsidiary (DFCL)
- 2023_24_ESOP_Disclosure_by_BOD
- MGT_7_2023_24_website
- 48th Annual Report (2023-24)
- SE Secretarial Compliance Report Reg 24A 2023-24
- AGM Certificates for Pricing
- PCS certificate compliance as per ICDR
- Diamines Valuation Report
- 2023-24 Financials of Subsidiary (DFCL)
Notice / Updates
2018-2019 – 43rd AGM details | |
* | 43rd AGM Notice |
* | 43rd AGM News Paper Notice |
* | Outcome of 43rd AGM |
* | EOGM Notice |
Voting Results | |
* | 43rd AGM Scrutinizer’s Report |
* | EOGM Scrutinizer’s Report |
2019-2020– 44th AGM details | |
* | 44th AGM Notice |
* | 44th AGM News Paper Notice |
* | Outcome of 44th AGM |
* | 44th AGM ![]() |
Voting Results | |
* | 44th AGM Scrutinizer Report |
2020-2021– 45th AGM details | |
* | Outcome of 45th AGM |
* | 45th AGM ![]() |
Voting Results | |
* | 45th AGM Scrutinizer Report |
2021-2022– 46th AGM details | |
* | Notice of 46th AGM DACL |
* | 46th AGM Newspaper Notice |
* | Outcome of 46th AGM |
* | Notice of Postal Ballot dt.23.03.2023 |
Voting Results | |
* | 46th AGM Scrutinizer Report |
* | Scrutinizer Repot on Postal Ballot |
2023-2024– 48th AGM details | |
* | Notice of 48th AGM |
* | Corrigendum to Revised 48th AGM Notice |
* | Notice of Postal Ballot Dt 09.08.2024 |
Voting Results | |
* | 48th AGM Scrutinizer Report |
* | Scrutinizer Report of the Postal Ballot Notice Dt August 09, 2024 |
Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF)
Transfer of Shares to IEPF – Nodal Officer |
Shares to be transferred to IEPF | |
* | 2009-2010 |
* | 2010-2011 (Intrim) |
* | 2010-2011 (Final) |
* | 2011-2012 |
* | 2012-2013 |
Notice | |
* | 2008-2009 |
* | 2009-2010 |
* | 2010-2011 (Intrim & Final) |
* | 2011-2012 |
* | 2012-2013 |
Shares Transferred to IEPF | |
* | 2008-2009 |
* | 2009-2010 |
* | 2010-2011 (Intrim) |
* | 2010-2011 (Final) |
* | 2011-2012 |
* | 2012-2013 |
For claiming shares from IEPF Authority (Form IEPF-5) Please visit: |
Dear Investor,
In order to enable our Investors Service Cell to improve its services to you, kindly fill the details below and click on the “Submit” button to send the information to us.
Investors may please contact our Compliance Officer Hemaxi Pawar at for any queries and complaints.
Historical Data
Scheme of Amalgamation of DSCL with DACL | |
(a) | Documents submitted to Bombay Stock Exchange i. Scheme of Amalgamation ii. Complaint Report iii. Financials as on 30.09.2015 for DSCL |
(b) | Documents submitted to Bombay Stock Exchange i. Format for SHP involving merger of one into listed company ii. List of Directors and Promoters DACL iii. List of Promoters and Promoter group DSCL iv. Undertaking to BSE |
(c) | Documents received from Bombay Stock Exchange i. Observation letter regarding amalgamation matter ii. Scheme of Amalgamation |
* | CRISIL UPDATE_ Q1 FY 2013 |
Code Of Conduct
The company has always ensured compliance to typical business practices in personal and corporate behaviour by its Directors and employees. To strengthen good corporate governance practices and in compliance with clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Mumbai Stock Exchange, the Company has framed specific Code of Conduct for the members of the Board of Directors and Senior Management personnel of the company. “Senior Management” shall mean personnel of the company who are in the grade of General Manager and above, excluding Board of Directors.
Code of Conduct for the members of the Board of Directors and Senior Management:
- To act in accordance with the highest standard of personal and professional integrity,
honesty and ethical conduct in the discharge of duties. - To stay abreast of the affairs of the Company and be kept informed of the company’s
compliance with the relevant laws, rules and regulations. - To exercise independent judgement on issues of strategy, performance and policy
matters - To avoid and disclose actual and apparent conflicts of personal interest with the
interest of the company and to disclose all contractual interest, whether directly
or indirectly, with the company. - To maintain confidentiality of the Company’s business.
- Not to accept any offer, payment or anything of value from the customers, vendors,
consultants, etc. that is perceived as intended, directly or indirectly, to influence
any business decision. - Not to divert to his own advantage, any business opportunity that the company is
in pursuit. - Not to compete, whether directly or indirectly, with the company.
- To observe the “Code of Conduct for dealing in equity shares and other securities
of the Company” framed under the SEBI (Insider Trading) Regulations. - Not to make any contribution of company funds to any political party or committee,
domestic or foreign, or to a holder of any office of any government- National, State
or Foreign, unless it is legally permissible and is appropriately authorised. - Not to charge personal expenses to the company
- Not to pursue any project or activity that may harm the nation’s interest and/or
has an adverse impact on the social/cultural life of the country. - In case of Directors:
- to inform the company immediately about the emergence of any situation that may
disqualify him/her from directorship. - not to hold any office or place of profit in the company by himself/herself or by
his/her relatives, without full disclosure of information in connection therewith.
- to inform the company immediately about the emergence of any situation that may
The Senior Management of the company is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company under the guidance and policy framework as directed by the Board from time to time. In view of the same, the responsibilities of the Senior Management becomes more and therefore, they should observe the following additional Code of Conduct as detailed below:
Additional Code of Conduct for Senior Management:
- To devote full attention to the business interest of the company.
- To conduct oneself in a manner that will enhance the image of his position, unit/company.
- To comply with all laws, rules and regulations and also policies and procedures,
laid down by the company. - To avoid conducting company business with a relative or with a business in which
a relative is associated in any significant role. - To have a clear understanding of the aims and objectives, and abilities and capacity
and various policies of the company. - Not to make any wilful misrepresentation, manipulation and misinformation of the
financial accounts and reports. - Not to misuse resources of the Company for personal benefits and ensure that others
do not misuse the same in any form. - To explicitly specify the criteria for appointing an external resource (e.g. Supplier,
Contractor, Consultant etc) and evaluate several options objectively. - Not to engage in any activity that interferes with the performance or responsibilities
to the company. - Not to accept simultaneous employment/directorship with the suppliers, customers
or competitors of the company and not to take part in any activity that enhances
or supports a competitor.
Interpretation Of Code
Any question or interpretation under this Code will be considered and dealt with by the Board or any Committee or any person authorised by the Board in this behalf. The Board or any designated person/committee so authorised, has the authority to waive compliance with this Code of business conduct for any Director or Senior Management personnel of the company. The person seeking the waiver of this Code shall make full disclosure of the particular circumstances of the case to the Board or the designated person/committee. A waiver of this Code, as may be made by the Board and/or so authorised person/committee, shall be promptly posted on the Website of the company. Each and every Director and Senior Management personnel is expected to comply with the letter and spirit of this Code.